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My Plan for Florida and the Treasure Coast


Clean up & restore the Indian River Lagoon


  • Use Amendment One funds to accelerate projects that will restore the Lagoon

  • Stop Lake Okeechobee fresh water releases that lead to fish kills and algae blooms

  • Create more in-land run-off retention and storage areas to clean water

  • Limit pollutants that can be used and are harming the Lagoon


Stop All Aboard Florida dead in its tracks


  • Prevent the use of tax dollars for All Aboard Florida

  • Challenge the legality of state-backed bonds as a finance method for the train

  • Address safety issues from increased rail traffic


Lower utility rates by selling Vero Electric 


  • Municipal utilities should be regulated by the Public Service Commission

  • Municipal utilities should return profits to rate payers as lower rates and not use profits to shore up wasteful city budgets

  • Municipal utilities must be more transparent


Enforce our laws, especially when it comes to illegal aliens

  • Repeal laws that provide tax payer subsidized benefits to illegal aliens

  • Change laws that could allow illegal aliens to become judges

  • Refuse the Federal Government’s request to relocate Syrian Refugees to Florida

  • Deport illegal aliens caught committing crimes


Define Florida as second to none in education

  • Give control of our local schools back to our local school boards, teachers and parents

  • Support choices in education for parents and students

  • Apply common sense to testing and evaluate the real costs of lost instructional time

  • Guard against mandates that unnecessarily increase cost without quality


✓ Smaller Government

✓ Fewer Taxes

✓ Personal Responsibility

✓ Private Property Rights

✓ Strong 2nd Amendment

✓ The Right To Life

Political Advertisement Paid for and Approved by Erin Grall, Republican, for State Senate, District 29



Erin Grall for Florida Senate

7555 20th Street

Vero Beach, FL 32966

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